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What's left of the Temple of the One God at Amarna |
Where did the idea of there being just One God come from?
Every idea that people have, somebody, somewhere, was first to have. So who first came up with the idea of worshiping one all-powerful and invisible God?
This little essay is about 'The Amarna Hypothesis' - the remarkable idea that the whole of Western Religion grew out of one ingenious trick by an ancient king to give himself more power.
Mention 'God' and the idea which usually comes up is that of an all-powerful super-human 'King' who is capable of thinking and decision-making. A single God who is concerned with the fate and the actions of humans.
But this One-God idea is not, I think, an obvious idea.
If it was one of those conclusions we just have to come
to by observing the world around us, or one which is made necessary
by the way human reason works, then many cultures would likely have
come up with it. But they haven't.
If the first humans really had a direct understanding of
Him which their descendants carried on as a folk-memory, we would
expect the One-God idea to occur in human societies the world over.
But it doesn't. Left to themselves, humans do
seem to come up with the idea of religion, but they usually come up
with the idea of a society of Gods, like a human society, with
different people doing different jobs, and with the Heavenly society
living its own life without being much concerned with humans. That's
the way of the court of the Chinese Jade Emperor, or the Greek or Roman or
Aztec or Norse Gods and the rest. Those Gods are not sources of instruction as to
behaviour, there are poets and philosophers to do that. They are Kings
and Queens of Heaven, not of earth. Less usually humans come up with the
idea of
some non-sentient mechanical process of 'Super Nature', like the
Taoist 'Purity', Buddhist 'Karma' or the concept of 'Bhagavan' in
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Adam and Eve from from the 13th Century Iranian Manafi al-Hayawan |
This One-God concept is very unusual, and the idea that
the God issues commandments about human behaviour is quite
unique. It is central now to Christianity, Islam and most of the
world's religious sense, yet we trace it to one cultural group only,
to the Jews. Now, once again, everything which people do, someone was first to
do, so where did Judaism get the idea from?
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Moses |
The traditional story is that the people who were to
become the Jews were desert nomads who indentured themselves to the
Egyptian king, The Pharaoh, as builders, in order to gain protection
from famine. They built new cities for the King, but complained of
harsh working conditions, and, following a dispute over mud-brick
quotas, asked to be allowed to leave. A leader arose for them, a man
brought up in the Egyptian priestly royal household. This was Moses.
When The Pharaoh (he's never actually named) still refused to let the
people go, Moses called upon the One God to punish his empire with
plagues. The One God obliged, and Moses and his followers were able
to escape across the desert. There Moses laid down the rules of the
new One-God religion, and violently crushed the worship of the
people's customary gods. He set up a hereditary priesthood and
detailed new ceremonies, including sacrifices with incense, cakes and
bread, and he did something quite new - established a strict moral
code backed by the religion. Oh and there was some stuff about not
eating pork, men being circumcised and what-not.
That's the story in the Torah, the first books of the
Hebrew Bible. But it still doesn't really explain where the One God
thing came from, so here's a different story...
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Pharaoh Akhenaten and his family adoring the One God, represented as a disc and accompanied by a note explaining that this was just an artistic convenience, the real God could not be represented. |
Round about 1353BC Amenhotep IV inherited the Pharonic
throne of Egypt from his father. He'd been brought up accustomed to getting anything he demanded, and the only thing now stopping him from having
the sort of absolute power kings crave were the various priestly
clans who claimed to have the Heavens behind them. Amenhotep had a simple solution - he declared the various gods
invalid, and himself to be the one and only mediator on earth between
the One Great God and mankind. Who the One Great God, or 'The Aten'
was, was left a bit vague - just declared to be incapable of being
represented. Amenhotep IV required himself to be addressed solely as
"Akhenaten", or 'living embodiment of the One Great God'.
This meant, of course, that the rules of behaviour he issued all had
Divine backing, and could not be opposed.
He recruited desert nomads, people free from the influences he wanted to escape, and had them build him a new capital at Amarna. There he set up a distinctive temple to the one unseen god, and recruited priests to preside over it.
He recruited desert nomads, people free from the influences he wanted to escape, and had them build him a new capital at Amarna. There he set up a distinctive temple to the one unseen god, and recruited priests to preside over it.
A plague overtook Amarna, and Akhenaten died. After some jostling for power the old elite placed Akhenaten's 9-year old son Tutankhaten, ("Living Image of Aten") on the throne, the capital was moved back to Thebes, the city of Amarna abandoned and the boy-king given the less godly name of Tutankhamun. The Old Gods were reinstated and their priests restored to their traditional privileges. The Priests of Aten had to either renounce their faith or flee. One priest, called Moses, encouraged the, already disaffected, nomad builders to join him in escaping from Amarna and establishing a community devoted to continuing the worship of the One-God. They had a lucky escape over some salt-marshes, and a very difficult time out in the desert. This led to dissent, and some among the nomads tried to reinstate their traditional worship of a visible God, only to have Moses and his supporters kill them. To reinforce his command Moses had the essential social rules approved by the God written on tablets of stone. He laid down other rules of behaviour, including the avoidance of pork, male circumcision, he established a hereditary priesthood and gave strict instruction about religious practices and structures.
Then they settled down, and told the story to their
children, only adding some bits at the beginning to say that it was
their people who did everything.
So, is this second story the truer one? That the One-God
idea grew out of a trick by a king to give himself more power? That
the Jewish Religion is the religion of Aten?
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One of the Amarna Letters |
Well, the archaeology and the texts put Akhenaten's death around 1334BC. The Jewish traditional chronology 'Seder Olam Rabbah' puts Moses' birth at 1391BC, which would make him about 58 at the time he led the brick-makers into the desert. So the dates fit nicely.
And the psychology fits too. A powerful leader trying to infer that they are The God has been tried from King Gilgmesh of Uruk, a thousand years before Moses, through all those Roman Emperors, right up to Kim Il Sung of North Korea today. Even now Kings and Queens, from England to Japan, try to claim some sort of religion-power. And Akhenaten did indeed set up a new religion of The One God, with himself as sole representative on earth, and vigorously suppressed the traditional Gods. This is clear from surviving artwork and a few written tablets, though his successors appear to have made efforts to remove all trace of it. The Aten was considered to be un-knowable and, to the extent that He was represented at all, it was merely as a disc, usually with a note explaining that this wasn't His real appearance.
Akhenaten did build a new city at Amarna,
much of it of mud bricks, just as the Torah says. The city appears,
from the surviving 'Amarna Letters', to have suffered a plague, a terrible
outbreak of illness of some sort, though it isn't clear what this
was, or whether it was before, after, or the cause of Akhenaten's
Then there's the linguistic connections. The Hebrew alphabet appears to be based on the priestly
Southern Egyptian 'Hieratic' script, unlike Arabic, which seems to be based on the everyday 'Demotic' script of Northern Egypt.
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The Egyptian Priestly script (left) and Old Hebrew (right) |
Reconstructions of the Temples of Aten (left) and at Jerusalem (right) |
Of course, things could be quite the opposite way round, as more than one Christian apologist has suggested, perhaps Akhenaten got the idea of One God from the Hebrews? But if so, then how come, as the Torah reports, the Hebrews tried to revert to their traditional religion, Golden Calf and all, as soon as Moses wasn't supervising them?
Indeed the Greek historian Strabo, around 40BC but claiming to be relating very much older information, tell us that there was "An Egyptian priest named Moses, who .. being dissatisfied with the
established institutions there, left it and came to Judæa with a large
body of people who worshipped the Divinity. He declared and taught that
the Egyptians and Africans entertained erroneous sentiments in representing the Divinity under the likeness of wild beasts and
cattle of the field; that the Greeks also were in error in making images
of their gods after the human form. For God [said he] may be this one
thing which encompasses us all, land and sea, which we call heaven, or
the universe, or the nature of things"
Notice that there is only one inland concentration of
the marker, this is likely to be the origin of the group. It is in
what is now Southern Egypt or Northern Sudan.
I didn't discover this
story, just brought the bits of it together. Long ago the ancient
historians Tacitus and Josephus suggested
that the Jews originated in Egypt, and today there doesn't seem to be any great disagreement
that the cult of Aten is the first known example of monotheism.
I've never actually
encountered any authority who disputes the general idea.
There's some rather interesting stuff at Wim van den Dungen's www.maat.sofiatopia.org. Sigmund Freud's last book 'Moses and Monotheism' follows the One-God/Aten theory, but then wanders off into psychobabble about Jewish angst. The German Egyptologist Jan Assmann's 'Moses the Egyptian' mixes fact with pure fantasy. The Russian Psychologist Immanuel Velikovsky has Akhenaten as the model of legendary King Oedipus, while the Egyptian ethnologist, Ahmed Osman ("Historian and Scholar" as he says at www.ahmedosman.com) has proposed that Moses was King Akhenaten. Unfortunately, alongside the wise, there's also the likes of David Icke and Erich von Daniken, which doesn't really help at all.
There's some rather interesting stuff at Wim van den Dungen's www.maat.sofiatopia.org. Sigmund Freud's last book 'Moses and Monotheism' follows the One-God/Aten theory, but then wanders off into psychobabble about Jewish angst. The German Egyptologist Jan Assmann's 'Moses the Egyptian' mixes fact with pure fantasy. The Russian Psychologist Immanuel Velikovsky has Akhenaten as the model of legendary King Oedipus, while the Egyptian ethnologist, Ahmed Osman ("Historian and Scholar" as he says at www.ahmedosman.com) has proposed that Moses was King Akhenaten. Unfortunately, alongside the wise, there's also the likes of David Icke and Erich von Daniken, which doesn't really help at all.
Theologians can't discuss it as it goes against their
basic assumptions, and for ethnology and archaeology it is just a
tiny aside. But the One-God idea must have started somewhere.
What do you think?
Tell El Amarna Tablets:
Great Hymn to Aten: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Great_Hymn_to_Aten
Budge, Tutankhamen:
Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism (1923):
Josephus Against
Apion (includes
extracts from the lost Jewish Historian Manetho)
Torah: http://www.btinternet.com/~glynhughes/squashed/torah.htm
of Augustus on Jewish Rights:
on the Egyptians:
and Monotheism:
Histories: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/16927/16927-8.txt
Persuasive argument, one I've not yet come across in many years of research. I'm curious what the counter arguments are. Nicely done. Very much considering using this for my world religions courses...
ReplyDeleteThis is very ingenious. Just puzzled nobody seems to have come up with it before.
ReplyDeleteWell, faith, like everything else, has to start somewhere.
ReplyDeleteThe One-God idea may have come from the one God! To the point that it is rare in most religious cultures, the Christian theologian would say that doesn't prove anything. Since Christian theologians believe that man rebelled early on, they conclude that the vast diversity of multi god religions is more the result of man's vain imaginging working to suppress and replace the truth with some thing easier for them to undestand. Thus they built concepts of god modeled after human society, in place of believing what God actually said about himself in the first place.